Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Sorry, Pete

I guess because of all the fun I made of Pete Doherty's cold sore, karma bit me hard in the lip. You know how you can talk yourself out of it, that it's really happening? I just kept telling myself I was being a hypochondriac and to try to fall asleep, and then I woke up with Mt. Vesuvius on my lip. But I guess if Katie Holmes can walk around the way she did, with PAPARAZZI following her, then I can slink to the grocery store across the street.
In other news I joined a dieting community that is like myspace for people that want to lose or gain weight, and it's basically an electronic food diary with a lot of other features, and I've lost 3 lbs in 2 days by watching what I eat and logging it on there, and exercising, obvs, but I am taking today off because my lip is throbbing so I am not in the mood. But I asked a couple supportive friends to log on to be my friends and they did and I am really happy. Supposedly, if I stay steady, I will be at my goal weight by our 3 year anniversary, which is Aug 12th.
Also, I'm writing a tiny piece for SPIN, it was supposed to be bigger but models who turn to music careers don't seem to want to comment on their modeling background, which is fine, I guess, but stupid. Been working on the end of Wendy again thanks to all the support from my lovely friends.
Tim leaves tomorrow but just for four days, which is fine, the girls and I will fill up our time well, but I worry I won't be as social as I should because of the mini volcano. Maybe just lunch at the Ivy.

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