Saturday, September 6, 2008


wanted me to post cleaned up Levi at the RNC. It is pretty remarkable that he cleaned up from a self described "fucking redneck" to
a Deke boy on his first day of rush. Im sure that was TOTALLY his decision all the way. And looks like he debuted his ring tattoo dedicated to Bristol Palin as well. In the last pic he kinda looks like he wants a Jaeger shot.


Anonymous said...

That kid is dying for a keg stand!

Anonymous said...

ring tattoo. that's all I got on that one. ring tattoo.

sarbar said...

Yeh,, if it's any indication, Tommy Lee and Pam Anderson had those too, during their four month marriage

Anonymous said...

okay, I have one more. a nice bra fitting never hurt a girl.

sarbar said...

Haha this is what my friend Rach from London emailed re about that: i was going to comment on the size of Bristol Palin's boobs on your blog, but thought that might be a little un PC. but seriously, those things are CRAZY big
