Monday, March 10, 2008

Special Request

I think Justin Long is adorable, he won me over as Jennifer Anistman's sassy assistant in The Break Up. I guess what I'm saying is I hope DB doesn't run through him like yesterday's Urban Outfitter's purchase. There are rumors they are talking about marriage, which would be like her 78796th but hopefully her last.

Drew has a really sick body; and people still yammer on that she's fat. More bikini pics here.Don't celebs have the best vacations ever?

I have to show you this website that is such a trainwreck. I mean honestly it's the creepiest, crappiest thing but I still look at it here and there because the comment section blows my mind, people think the most normal, beautiful girls are "fat," and "flabby." (The latest Drew post on there being a good example). My vote would be the site gets shut down.

Can't post that much today. Haven't been drinking hard liquor (only wine) and stupidly had vodka last night. My tummy is a war zone.

1 comment:

sal said...

best celebrity blog! special requests rule. two words in one - bookmark.