Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Laurie from Little Women

is a JACK ASS. Has everyone listened to the tape of Christian Bale RIPPING A NEW ONE of the D.P. on his latest film Terminator? I hid under my desk, shaking like Gracie in the car on the freeway. Just goes to show you how we can't trust our taste sometimes. I mean, I knew after he was arrested for assaulting his mother in a hotel room after Batman came out something was afoul, but I didnt know he was THIS big of an ass. But I hate how sometimes he's British and sometimes he sounds like he's from Jersey.If you haven't heard it:
More batman goes batshit

Also, I think I posted that he gave me the willies like six months ago. The older you get, the better your instincts (ok not always). But I did want to marry him circa 1994. It's like that Garth Brooks song we loved in college, some of God's Greatest Gifts are unanswered prayers. Not like it was ever really ON THE TABLE, but you know. Also he's only 34, which is weird, like the Angelina Jolie thing,she's only 33, kill me now. Celebs are so accelerated in their lives. Speaking of Angie, I loved this:angie spoof we were watching this girl do stand up in LA six months ago, and now she's all over SNL. Real rags to ritches story.

I will properly link things next time, but doing eight things at once today. xx

1 comment:

Unknown said...

the accent from jersey/london drives me crazy. i wonder if jersey is a throwback from his newsies days. anyone?