Halloween-style Liv and Royston
OK we all know I have been obsessed with Liv Tyler since Stealing Beauty, which I made many of my friends watch far too often. Now she splits from Royston, her elf-like husband with whom she has a mini. I have a few theories. One, she is still in love with Joaquin Pheonix (ok, wishful thinking but i thought they were parfait together, love Inventing the Abbots). Two, Royston got all pissy pants when she was always in the spotlight and he was in "a band." You say that when you have no frickin clue what the band is, and sometimes you remember the name, but then you remember they had a half hit once, and, whatever, she married him because she was in love, I believe that for sure, but why marry at 23? Why have a kid so fast? And now I am talking to you, Kate Hudson, which leads me to notion #3. She had an affair with hottie Scott Speedman (Felicty) while filming upcoming scary ass thriller The Strangers, and fell in love ala Kate Hudson with Owen Wilson in Me You and Dupree.
I always think about the moment Brad came home from a meeting with his agent and he goes, "Hey Honey, I think I'm going to do this movie called Mr. and Mrs. Smith."
Jen: "Great babe!(I feel like she must be so nice) Who is the female lead?"
Brad: "What?"
Jen: "The female lead. Who is Mrs. Smith?"
Brad: "I can't hear you, the blender is too loud."
Jen: "The blender isn't on."
Brad: "I meant the TV."
Jen: "That ain't on either. It's Angelina Jolie isn't it."
Brad: "Who? Oh yeah I guess. Yeah I guess it is. Wow, I forgot that already."
I think Jen knew then, and probably took a couple ativan and called her therapist who then directed her to a lawyer. My point is, movies are like summer camp. You're locked away for three months together in your own isolated island, and soon you're in love and you forget all about your 8th grade boyfriend back in Wisconsin.
Liv has dated Joaquin, the hot guy from Empire Records, Evan Dando, Leonardo DiCaprio-- and now, because I love her, i Do hope she is with Scott. He seems so sweet. Even his mother said in an interview that the sweet brooding Felicity character is his role that's the most like him.

Liv in Stealing Beauty

Liv with hot guy from Empire Records

one of the best 90's couples evs

liv with leo
except that i have "heard" (pretty good source) that joaquin, alcoholic at the time, was emotionally and at times psychically abusive to liv....
NO!!!!!!! I didn't hear that, I have cotton balls in my ears
Why have i seen ARCKID play on multiple occasions? How funny we speak of Joaquin the beautiful love of my life. I was just thinking about him! Inventing the Abbotts is my all time favorite.
It should also be noted that Nicole Kidman was originally cast in the role of Mrs. Smith. She is the reason my friends. She is the reason.
Royston and brothers band duh. Are you still stuck on Spacehog? Are you 90?
I honestly thought he was still in Spacehog. So what you are 19. I am not embarrassed for not knowing.
omg that was funny
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