Friday, May 30, 2008

When I pump gas,

well first of all I don't look like this. Second of all, I am usually really insecure someone I know is driving by looking at me pumping gas, and I usually have zit cream on, and I'm in my sweatpants, and I'm just getting 10 dollars anyway because I can't afford more, but I am always too far away from the pump so I'm having to stretch the hose anyway, but first I was on the wrong side again so I had to back up and turn around and then someone took my spot so I have to wait because I was not raised to be confrontational, and then I am all too aware that I look really dumb doing it, and I can never get it to stick and pump automatically, and then extra always falls out when I think I'm done, and I'm usually worried my hands caught herpes. So to sum up, I never, ever look like Mila Kunis when I'm getting gas. I'm much more likely to be mistaken for the 55 year old chain smoking greasy haired gas attendant

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarbar- you don't need to have your hair and make up did to get gas in la la land. PImps cream is a cute look. Er xo